Calendar Scheme Codes
Calendar Schemes | ||||
Code | Name | Status | Script | Notes |
ay | Astronomical Year Calendar | Default | scripts/julian_hybrid.hcs | Hybrid of "j" and "g". |
c | Chinese | Default | scripts/chinese.hcs | |
cath | Catholic Hybrid | Proposed | Hybrid calendar used in regions that changed from Julian to Gregorian on 15th October 1582. | |
ce | Common Era | Proposed | Hybrid of "jce" and "gce" | |
eng | English Hybrid | Default | scripts/julian_hybrid.hcs | |
er | English Regnal | Default | scripts/english_reg.hcs | |
fr | French Republican | Default | scripts/french_rep.hcs | Includes year zero |
g | Gregorian | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | Includes year zero |
gce | Gregorian Common Era | Default | scripts/ce-bce.hcs | |
h | Hebrew | Default | scripts/hebrew.hcs | Includes year zero |
i | Islamic Tabular | Default | scripts/islamic.hcs | Includes year zero |
I.Ia | Islamic Tabular Ia | Script | example/islamic-Ia.hcs | See website |
I.Ic | Islamic Tabular Ic | Script | example/islamic-Ic.hcs | See website |
I.IIIc | Islamic Tabular IIIc | Script | example/islamic-IIIc.hcs | See website |
I.IVa | Islamic Tabular IVa | Script | example/islamic-IVa.hcs | See website |
I.IVc | Islamic Tabular IVc | Script | example/islamic-IVc.hcs | See website |
if | Islamic Fātimid | Default | scripts/islamic.hcs | Includes year zero |
ims | Islamic Microsoft Hijri | Default | scripts/islamic.hcs | Includes year zero |
j | Julian | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | Includes year zero |
ja | Julian Annunciation | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | Includes year zero |
jap | Julian Annunciation Pisa | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | Includes year zero |
jce | Julian Common Era | Default | scripts/ce-bce.hcs | |
JD | Julian Day | Script | example/day-counts.hcs | Only a text conversion (includes a fixed decimal value) |
jdn | Julian Day Number | Default | scripts/jdn.hcs | Internal representation |
jeast | Julian Easter | Proposed | Use weekday to avoid ambiguity | |
jn | Julian Nativity | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | Includes year zero |
MJD | Modified Julian Day | Script | example/day-counts.hcs | |
RD | Rata Die | Script | example/day-counts.hcs | |
scot | Scottish Hybrid | Default | scripts/julian_hybrid.hcs | |
se | Julian Spanish Era | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | Includes year zero |
sr | Scottish Regnal | Default | scripts/scottish_reg.hcs | |
swed | Swedish Hybrid | Proposed | The calendar used by Sweden when changing from Julian to Gregorian. |
Grammar Definitions | ||||
Code | Description | Status | Script | Notes |
c | Chinese scheme | Default | scripts/chinese.hcs | |
d | Simple Day Count | Default | scripts/day-counts.hcs | |
er | English Regnal | Default | scripts/english_reg.hcs | |
fr | Basic French Republican scheme | scripts | example/french_rep.hcs | |
g | Gregorian scheme | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | Inherits from "j" |
h | Hebrew schemes | Default | scripts/hebrew.hcs | |
i | Islamic schemes | Default | scripts/islamic.hcs | |
hy | Julian - Gregorian hybrids | Default | scripts/julian_hybrid.hcs | |
j | Basic Julian and Gregorian schemes | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | | | Shifted Julian and Gregorian schemes | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | |
jce | Historical Julian and Gregorian schemes | Default | scripts/ce-bce.hcs | |
lit | Christian Liturgical Weeks | Default | scripts/liturgical.hcs | |
sr | Scottish Regnal | Default | scripts/scottish_reg.hcs |
Vocabulary (vocab) Definitions | ||||
Code | Name | Status | Script | Notes |
ce | Historic Era | Default | scripts/ce-bce.hcs | |
clmon | Leap month | Default | scripts/chinese.hcs | |
cyear | Year names | Default | scripts/chinese.hcs | |
er | English Monarchs | Default | scripts/english_reg.hcs | |
frcomp | Complementary Days | Default | scripts/french_rep.hcs | For French Republican calendar |
frdd | Decade Day | Default | scripts/french_rep.hcs | For French Republican calendar |
frm | Month names | Default | scripts/french_rep.hcs | For French Republican calendar |
hm | Month names | Default | scripts/hebrew.hcs | For Hebrew calendar |
hw | Weekday names | Default | scripts/hebrew.hcs | For Hebrew calendar |
im | Month names | Default | scripts/islamic.hcs | For Islamic calendar |
iw | Weekday names | Default | scripts/islamic.hcs | For Islamic calendar |
jajg | Scheme names | Default | scripts/julian_hybrid.hcs | Used for Julian/Gregorian hybids |
lit | Liturgy Weeks | Default | scripts/liturgical.hcs | Week starts Monday = 1 |
m | Month names | Default | scripts/julian.hcs | |
on | Scheme names | Default | scripts/english_reg.hcs | Old/New style |
part | Part of Reign Year | Default | scripts/english_reg.hcs | First/Second part |
sr | Scottish Monarchs | Default | scripts/scottish_reg.hcs | |
w | Weekday names | Default | scripts/base.hcs |