HistoryCal - V0.0.7 Manual
Calendar Index
Home Development V0.0.7 Manual Cal. Definitions
Chinese Christian Day Count French Republic General Hybrid Gregorian
Hebrew Islamic Julian Regional  
Code Name Description
c The lunisolar Chinese calendar.
jlit The Christian Liturgical calendar based on the Julian calendar.
glit The Christian Liturgical calendar based on the Gregorian calendar.
Day Count
The cyclic 7 day week. Not an independent calendar but often used in conjunction with others.
jdn The internal date representation used by HistoryCal. A minor variation of the "Julian Day".
jd Julian Day The day count used by astronomers, also known as Julian Astronomical Day.
j The simplest version of the Julian calendar, includes year zero. As used in astronomy.
jce A version of the Julian calendar commonly used by historians. Year is marked as BCE or CE.
jn A Julian calendar with the year change on the preceding 25th December.
ja A Julian calendar with the year change on the 25th March, calculus florentinus.
jap A Julian calendar with the year change on the preceding 25th March, calculus pisanus.
je A Julian calendar with the year change on Easter Sunday. (Which changes every year.)
se A Julian calendar with the epoch of 1st January -37.
g The Gregorian calendar.
gce A version of the Gregorian calendar sometimes used by historians. Year is marked as BCE or CE.
isow The ISO:8601 Year, Week number and Day of week calendar.
isoo The ISO:8601 Year and Day number calendar.
General Hybrid
ay The Astronomical Year calendar.
ce Common Era A universal calendar convenent for use by historians. Year is marked as BCE or CE.
French Republic
fr An astronomical calendar introduced after the French Revolution.
h Hebrew Arithmetical calendar.
i Islamic tabular calendar.
ims Islamic Microsoft Hijri calendar.
if Islamic Fātimid calendar.
cath Catholic Hybrid Hybrid calendar used in regions that changed from Julian to Gregorian on 15th October 1582.
eng The calendar as used in England and English colonies.
er The English and British Regnal calendar from Henry II to present day.
scot The calendar as used in Scotland.
sr The Scottish and British Regnal calendar to present day.
swed Swedish Hybrid The calendar used by Sweden when changing from Julian to Gregorian..

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