Chinese | Christian | Day Count | French Republic | General Hybrid | Gregorian |
Hebrew | Islamic | Julian | Regional |
Code | Name | Description |
Chinese | ||
c | Chinese | The lunisolar Chinese calendar. |
Christian | ||
jlit | Julian Liturgical | The Christian Liturgical calendar based on the Julian calendar. |
glit | Gregorian Liturgical | The Christian Liturgical calendar based on the Gregorian calendar. |
Day Count | ||
7 Day Week | The cyclic 7 day week. Not an independent calendar but often used in conjunction with others. | |
jdn | Julian Day Number | The internal date representation used by HistoryCal. A minor variation of the "Julian Day". |
jd | Julian Day | The day count used by astronomers, also known as Julian Astronomical Day. |
Julian | ||
j | Julian | The simplest version of the Julian calendar, includes year zero. As used in astronomy. |
jce | Julian Common Era | A version of the Julian calendar commonly used by historians. Year is marked as BCE or CE. |
jn | Julian Nativity | A Julian calendar with the year change on the preceding 25th December. |
ja | Julian Annunciation | A Julian calendar with the year change on the 25th March, calculus florentinus. |
jap | Julian Annunciation Pisa | A Julian calendar with the year change on the preceding 25th March, calculus pisanus. |
je | Julian Easter | A Julian calendar with the year change on Easter Sunday. (Which changes every year.) |
se | Julian Spanish Era | A Julian calendar with the epoch of 1st January -37. |
Gregorian | ||
g | Gregorian | The Gregorian calendar. |
gce | Gregorian Common Era | A version of the Gregorian calendar sometimes used by historians. Year is marked as BCE or CE. |
isow | ISO Week | The ISO:8601 Year, Week number and Day of week calendar. |
isoo | ISO Ordinal | The ISO:8601 Year and Day number calendar. |
General Hybrid | ||
ay | Astronomical Year | The Astronomical Year calendar. |
ce | Common Era | A universal calendar convenent for use by historians. Year is marked as BCE or CE. |
French Republic | ||
fr | French Republican | An astronomical calendar introduced after the French Revolution. |
Hebrew | ||
h | Hebrew | Hebrew Arithmetical calendar. |
Islamic | ||
i | Islamic Tabular | Islamic tabular calendar. |
ims | Islamic Microsoft Hijri | Islamic Microsoft Hijri calendar. |
if | Islamic Fātimid | Islamic Fātimid calendar. |
Regional | ||
cath | Catholic Hybrid | Hybrid calendar used in regions that changed from Julian to Gregorian on 15th October 1582. |
eng | English Hybrid | The calendar as used in England and English colonies. |
er | English Regnal | The English and British Regnal calendar from Henry II to present day. |
scot | Scottish Hybrid | The calendar as used in Scotland. |
sr | Scottish Regnal | The Scottish and British Regnal calendar to present day. |
swed | Swedish Hybrid | The calendar used by Sweden when changing from Julian to Gregorian.. |